2024 Jul 27 Sat

Fauxcohontas Strikes Again

Fauxcohontas Strikes Again
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This has all the makings of a bad joke that’s been told too many times. As reported by the Washington Post earlier today, Elizabeth Warren once again brought up her fake Native American heritage, and in front of actual Native Americans while slaming President Trump for mocking her.

In a previous post on The Daily Journal (Elizabeth Warren-Genealogical Fail), I mocked Elizabeth Warren while comparing my own family story of Native American ancestry. Unlike the Democrat Senator from Massachusetts, I actually have Native American ancestors.
Since 2012, Elizabeth Warren has been ridiculed for her claims of being Native American.. and not just any Native American, but Cherokee. One of the most ripped off lineages ever. If you’re south of the Ohio River, you’re Cherokee. If you’re west of the Mississippi, you’re Apache.
No. You’re not. That’s not how this works.

But let’s dig back a little further to find the cause of this fiasco for Warren.

Lynda Smith, the amateur genealogist who unknowingly found herself at the root of the false “Elizabeth Warren is 1/32 Cherokee” meme introduced to the media by “noted” genealogist Chris Child of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, acknowledged in an email to me this past Saturday, May 12, that her statement in a March 2006 family newsletter upon which Mr. Child based his claim of Ms. Warren’s Cherokee ancestry was made with no supporting documentation. It was, in fact, an honest mistake that Ms. Smith now acknowledges is entirely without foundation.

Breitbart News

And there you go. No documentation. A lack of documentation is a real bummer but other information can be substituted. However, in her case, there is no substitution aside from a picture with “high cheek bones”.  We all know the pains and stress and relief of either having that document or not finding it. But for people like Elizabeth Warren who are sticking to her guns about being Cherokee, that is the true disrespect to Natives and to genealogists. Even in light of the proof, or rather lack of any evidence at all, of being a Cherokee, why would Elizabeth Warren continue to defend this?

Pride? Arrogance? Stupidity? Let’s be real here.

I’ve looked at her documentation, I’ve looked at her family papers, there is no indication that she’s Cherokee.

Twila Barnes, Cherokee Genealogist

The reason why those of the right-leaning political philosophies continues to pick on Elizabeth Warren, even calling her such names as Fuaxcohontas or ‘Dances with Lies’, is because she is absolutely unrepentent on her claims and further condemns herself by maintaining her own status quo of reality.

But as Elizabeth Warren’s going to stick to this story ….

… she will continue to remain an object of ridicule and mockery.

The answer to Elizabeth Warren’s dilemma is quite simple. Apologize for touting to be something that you’re not.

The first 15 minutes of the Ben Shaprio Show talks about this a little more. Shapiro knew Warren at Harvard too.

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About The Author

Editor-in-Chief for The Daily Journal

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