2024 Oct 05 Sat

What is Truth and Myth?

What is Truth and Myth?
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What is myth? What do we call a myth today? We only know of the past that has survived to the present. This is the year of Our Lord 2,013 Anno Domini by modern calculation. We actually don’t know what solar year it is so a standard measure of time is agreed upon that most of the world uses.

Throughout history, there has been a common problem that has existed: lack of proper record keeping or respect for it. If history has been written by the victors, then it has also been destroyed by the victors.

Humanity is just as obsessed with making records as it is destroying them.

Many scholars agree that the destruction of the Library of Alexandria is arguable one of the greatest disasters we’ve ever known. While a human life is a terrible thing to lose, to a lesser degree knowledge of culture, agriculture, history, science, technology, and political theory via destruction of books, libraries, or knowledge is just as harmful.

Knowledge is power. (Sir Francis Bacon)

While I agree with Sir Bacon, I feel that it is absolutely necessary to expound further on his statement with a clarification. Truth is power. Knowledge can be bilateral. Not all knowledge is power because not all knowledge is truth.

False knowledge has been used to enslave nations through religion rites. It has been used as a precedence for Evil to control, own, and crush the human spirit. It has been used a weapon of mass deception to bring those without ability or capability to live free into a state of despair or into a state of death at the bidding of an assumed master.

Hundreds of libraries and millions of books and scrolls has been destroyed for any number of reasons. The most popular being accidental, as in the case of the fire at Duchess Anna Amalia Library (2004) and the Library of Alexandria (~30 B.C.) . Other times it has been purposeful such as Monroe County, Ohio where the caretaker, in a fit of rage at being replaced, burn most all of the County’s records at that time. In other instances, the Catholic church has also been just as guilty by single handedly destroying the Mayan culture and language in the name of religion. In more modern terms, the Nazi’s burned books by Jewish authors and anything else that did not align with their new paradigm.

Those who commit libricide should be charged with a crime no lesser than that of murder.

As our records of the past, quite literally our own heritage, has been built and destroyed, we are now left with the daunting task of trying to determine what really happened. While we pursue genealogy in the hopes of discovering who we are and why our family is the way thatit is, we turned to the use of forensics to unravel the mystery of the past.

In every time period, the story of what happened prior has barely any resemblance of the truth. What begins as a fact with one person can turn into an unrecognizable rumor after being retold several times. This phenomenon leaves us with wondering what is truth and what is myth?

Are you ready to be challenged? So much of our history, even our own history during our life has been a lie. Do we know the whole story? The cause and effect? Are the masses incapable of handling the truth, or is the truth so awful that is has to be hidden from us? But let’s look further back into history. Let’s consider a time that existed prior to the world as know it, before what has been called “the common eras”.

The Antediluvian Age
After the dinosaurs, after the creation of Mankind, but before the Flood of Genesis 6, there existed 1,656 years after the Fall of Man. If you’re not familiar with these concepts, then read the first several chapters of the Holy Bible. (I strongly recommend the NKJV and use of the website www.biblegateway.com.)

During this millennium  and a half, the world was in a different state. The creatures that walked on it have become legends, even mythological. The things Man saw and creatures that lived among them are all but extinct in memory. The Giants who lived then would make Goliath look like a toddler. The Minotaurs, the Centaurs, the Sphinx, the Griffins, the Chimera, the Dragons, the Fairies, the Harpies, and many others that we call myth were alive at one time. For all we know, some may still be but that knowledge is intentionally suppressed and withheld.

I’m going to share with you what I have read, what I believe, and what I have learned. I don’t care who thinks I’m crazy because, quite frankly, there is nothing crazier than the truth.

Why am I doing this?

Why have stories and detailed descriptions of  the habits and characteristics of these things survive for centuries after they were eradicated through the judgment of God?

Because in every old story, in every myth, there is a root of truth.

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About The Author

Editor-in-Chief for The Daily Journal

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